Pointer finger
"Pointer finger" makes more sense to me than "index finger", so we'll stick with it. Hannah has been developing her fine motor skills, and, like everything she does, she is doing it in the cutest fashion possible. She is fascinated with her pointer finger and uses it to touch everything. She has been doing this for a couple weeks now, so I figured I should write about it before she stops. Hannah even uses her pointer finger to touch her other pointer finger. We'll see her looking down at a black spot or hair on her exersaucer, pointer finger out, touching the small thing over and over. She'll point at our face and touch our nose with all her fingers folded in except the one. Then she'll grab our face with all her fingers and try to rip part of it off. Most frequently she chooses lips or a nose, but occasionally she goes for the eyes. It all makes you go "OW! Aww...."
It is so fun/interesting to see the development of a child! When I first met Hannah she couldn't look you in the eye or control her facial expression... now look at her! Love the pics!
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