Friday, August 28, 2009

Factoid Friday: The Amazing Echidna

So I heard that the blog was pretty good and mostly amusing, except for Factoid Fridays. Well, my friends, learning is totally fun too! Especially when the learning involves echidnas! And exclamation marks!

Echidnas are basically a hodge-podge, mash-it-all-together of mammal/bird pieces. Or, to science it up, they are a deep branching lineage that split off close to the common relative of all mammals, birds and reptiles. It's evolution, baby!

What makes echidnas objectively the coolest thing ever, rivaled only by the platypus (the echidnas cousin of sorts)? For starters, they look like an anteater and a porcupine got into some weird Dr. Moreau kind of romance. Check out this hairy guy holding a balled up echidna:

They are mammals, but they lay eggs like birds; after laying the egg, the female echidna deposits it into a pouch (like kangaroos), where the young continue to live after hatching. They also don't have nipples, but have two pores on their chests out of which their young can suckle milk. To make the young even cooler, we call baby echidnas "puggles". To top it all off, male echidnas have a four-headed penis. Two of them are useless, and they alternate using the other two, depending on which was used last. That, dear reader, is weird enough to put them at the top of my crazy animal list. I hope that made Factoid Friday more interesting!


Wednesday, August 26, 2009


I know Hannah's morning schedule now: when she gets sleepy, hungry, fussy, etc. So after we listened to some music I took her upstairs for her nap. Apparently she prefers to get her exercise behind bars. All of the exercise that we try to get her to do on the floor she saves for her crib. She rolls over and scoots around like it's no big deal, makes the sounds that we try to get her to make, and then just looks up and smiles. After about 20 minutes of confirming that she can make the sounds "mmm" and "mmmbuh", and is capable of rolling both ways, turning herself around, and getting her foot in and out of the crib bars, I took her out and put her in her exersaucer. I thought maybe she was getting a little hungry and after food would take a nap. Please notice the word "exersaucer". Not even two minutes later:

After spending half an hour trying to get her to sleep I then had keep waking her up throughout the bottle. Hopefully the extra food will at least mean a longer nap. Don't get me wrong, I love spending time with her, but this dad still needs to shower.


Monday, August 24, 2009

6 months!

Hannah was 6 months old yesterday! I have said "I am amazed" enough times now to realize the amazement will be continual. Heidi snapped a couple of pictures of her playing with her bear before bedtime and I made a little stop-motion movie from them:

I think it would look good looped.

I intended to include the below quirk and update in my previous post, but it was starting to get a little long. The additional quirk I have to describe is not quite as weird as the belt or the belly slapping, but we really get a kick out of it.

She loves to fall asleep with a blanket over her head. And when she is ready to fall asleep, it's like her lights out switch. Playing, playing, playing, blanket over face, asleep. It's almost instantaneous. Of course, this means she can't have a blanket for her whole nap. We wait until she falls asleep and then take it from her, for obvious reasons. It has become ingrained in her now for nap time. The other day we were listening to music at the kitchen table as Hannah was getting sleepy. She was holding her blanket, sitting upright in my lap, and I looked down as she was pulling the blanket up over her face and then lights out! as she fell asleep right away, leaning back into my chest. I expect it when she is lying down, but sitting up too?

The update is this:

taken about a week and a half ago, the same time she started waving. She seems to forget how to wave sometimes, but that's ok. She also forgets how to stand when we do this with her. Her love of bouncing tries to come through, so she just bends her knees and drops. We are cultivating a love of gravity; she loves to fall over when she is sitting too (if we catch her in time). That's about it for now; the little one just woke up.


Thursday, August 20, 2009

The quirks continue

So I have been wondering how long someone can blog about their kid and keep it interesting. The answer is: longer than a month and a half! Hannah keeps doing all sorts of new (and sometimes weird) stuff.

Heidi worked today from 2-7, so I watched Hannah in the afternoon and evening. I did not like this as much as the morning shift. Her feeding schedule was a bit different, requiring two bottles and some food. More importantly, I wasn't quite on top of my game. Take this picture as an example:

I don't think I have ever covered her in food quite like that. I love this next shot, and despite what it looks like, I made it through the evening without drugging either of us.

needed that sweet potato fix
I guess that is not technically true - I did give her some Tylenol when I thought she was going to rip her teething toys apart. Anyway, she is so covered in sweet potato because she has developed this neat little trick where she grabs the spoon to help put it in her mouth, then wipes all of the food off of it into her lap, then puts it in her mouth and chomps on it for two minutes. Sure, sure I know you can't expect the baby to not get a little food on themselves. I mean this looked intentional. It was grab the spoon, wipe it off, chew on it. Rub hands in hair, repeat.

Understandably, I followed the food and bottle with a bath. This was my first solo bath. Well, not my first solo bathing, but I think you get the drift. So I got myself a little nervous about it, and proceeded to fulfill my low expectations. For starters, she hated it, which is rare. Bath time is one of her favorite things. After a pretty crappy job of both keeping the baby happy and washing her, I got her out. Usually Heidi coordinates this with having a towel ready, etc, etc. That's not the way this dad does it. For some reason I thought hugging a slippery wet baby and then grabbing the towel was a better way to go. The towel that I picked up and realized wasn't really a towel. It was a blanket. Not a thick fuzzy one, just a thin cotton blanket. Apparently it wasn't just me: Heidi did the same thing before.

I followed this with putting her on our bed with a real baby towel underneath her. I grabbed a onesie before I bathed her, which I was proud of, and used my special technique for onesie application, which I am also proud of (and it's baby approved!). I noticed some sweet potato around her mouth; somehow I forgot to wash her face. But something else wasn't quite right..."Do babies wear underwear? I don't think so. I guess this must be right? But that looks uncomfortable. Do they really not wear underwear?...oh yeah, they wear diapers." So I took her upstairs to grab a diaper, and on the way almost got us smacked by the ironing board I knocked over. Phew.

Baby correctly dressed and intact we headed downstairs, and I set her in the exersaucer so that I could grab a glass of water. She started screaming when I got a few steps away, so I stopped and looked at her. There was some music on (Le Vent du Nord) and I started to keep time with the music, just kind of tapping my belly. She liked it. So I slapped my belly in time to my favorite Quebecoise folk music. I slapped my belly until she fell asleep, right there in her exersaucer. Didn't take long.

I'm starting to get concerned. She laughs when I hit her with a belt. She falls asleep when I slap my belly.

HEY!!! I'm the first person on the internet to use the phrase "I slapped my belly until she fell asleep." You can google search it with quotes if you doubt me.


Wednesday, August 19, 2009

First Milestone

Dear Reader,

We are approaching 1,000 hits. That is most excellent! Perhaps you should see if you have that honor (the counter is small and in the lower left hand corner). Instead of doing a real post while Hannah is napping today, I have chosen to do some linear algebra review. That's exciting for both of us! Someday I would like to know enough math that I can come across a problem in my research and say "Aha! I know how to solve this!". The other approach would have been to not spend hundreds of hours trying to learn math that I might never use. Suddenly I am less motivated to review linear algebra. Time to keep on keepin' on!

Until next time,
Bob "the Tomato Tornado" McGregor


Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Let's talk about...

...spiders. I am somewhat of an arachnophobe. Sure, I recognize that it is an "irrational" fear. That's why I don't want to pass this fear of spiders onto Hannah. Heidi isn't the biggest fan of spiders either, so we have come up with a plan. It will go something like this:

"AHH! I mean...hmm...there's a spider over there. Do you see that spider Hannah?"
"Good. Now some people are very scared of spiders, but that is just silly. Don't you see how small it is? Now we don't want you to be scared of something silly, so to make sure that you aren't, you get to go and kill that spider."

I really don't think that we have any alternatives. Probably about a decade later, Hannah will be busy, and I'll come running into the room saying "Hannah there is a spider!". She'll ask me to kill it because she is doing something else. And then our horrible little secret won't be a secret anymore.

The topic of this post was prompted by the spider in the corner of our bathroom, right over our shower head. It had it's latest victim wrapped up, hanging there. I generally can tolerate those bathroom spiders for a couple of days, since they eat up the tiny little gnats that sometimes get in. I don't kill them until they do something really creepy. Like move. But this one went over and sucked on it's liquefying victim.

Just think if spiders were closer to our size. Something that could trap you in a web, wrap you up and turn your internal organs into goo that it could then suck out, all the while you get to relax in a super creepy hammock.

In closing, my "irrational" fear really isn't. I still think getting Hannah to kill the spiders might be a good idea.


Monday, August 17, 2009

First poll

There is a little card on my counter which is advertising a fight, I believe. The front of the card says FREE VS UNDIES PANTY any color. There is also a picture of a butt, probably because either free or undies panty will have theirs kicked. So here is what I want to know from you.

Who knew that Victoria's Secret was trying to break into a new demographic by advertising fights!?!? Pretty zany business plan if you ask me. You can be for lovers or for fighters, but certainly not both.


Back to reality

Turns out I really like my usual, every day. Last week was a good halfway closer to insane than I already am. I left every morning at 7:20 and got back every night at 11. All of the in between was spent doing the following:

1. Grab a sterilized toothpick.
2. Poke it into a Streptomyces colony on a plate.
3. Streak it out onto a new plate.
4. Repeat 2400 times.

Not included are making the plates, drawing lines on the plates and labeling each spot, and circling and labeling all of the Streptomyces colonies. It made me think a little about what it means to be a grad student. I think the main difference between grad school and a job is that you are a grad student. It's not what you do from 9-5; it is who you are. There's an "outdated" notion of suffering for your science. I put quotes around outdated because it is talked about as outdated, but still expected.

Anyway, I don't like complaining too much (especially since I designed the experiment for which that was part one), and I'm pretty sure that's not what you are here to hear. I'm just your tour guide to the life of Hannah. So let's get down to business. A lot has happened in the past couple of days.

Hannah has started to wave. This has been in the works for some time now, and she was probably making some attempts a week or more ago, but it's hard to tell a first wave from a little spastic arm movement. Now she's really waving. Or saluting. It's kind of a hybrid. She started out by waving at our friend Jesse, and followed that up with waving at my lab-mate Florence. Not us. We have waved at her at least 20 times a day for a month. It makes sense, I suppose, to say hi to people who are new, as opposed to people you see almost every waking second. We have gotten waves out of her since; however, so have the dogs. And strangers walking by. And her exersaucer. She's really getting into this waving thing. This morning I was walking around with her as she was getting her first bit of sleep fussiness. I felt like an assistant on some Miss Baby America pageant. She would look at something and do a little wave. Jolt her head around to the other side and another wave. We'll call her Miss Sleepy Beauty. If you would like a better feel for what it looks like, then do the following (don't worry, your webcam isn't on).

1. Hold your arm straight out to your side.
2. Bend at the elbow, because that's the only bendy part of your arm.
3. Hit your forehead and snap your arm back into place.

In other news, she also has two teeth now. Her middle bottom teeth have started their ascent. She's been a real champ throughout this whole teething thing. I would have demanded much more Tylenol than she did. Now that I think about it, perhaps that is related to her other new hobby, YELLING REAL LOUD. Not when she is upset. That might even make things easier. She yells when she is happy, or when she wants you to look at her. It is really pretty cute at home, since she does it to the dogs a lot. In the exersaucer or her jumper especially; the dogs walk by without going up to her and she lets out this "aaaYYYAAHHHHHHH!!!!!!". If she were a little more coordinated, it would perhaps be followed by a bit of kung fu. It's more noticeable when we are out. She's happy most of the time, even when we drag her to whatever it is we want to do. Last week Heidi, Hannah and my mom (who took over my Hannah-watching duties) took me out to dinner as a break from work. My mom and I sat across from Hannah and Heidi. If my mom and I would talk to each other, Hannah would look at us and "AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!". I mind this a little more than Heidi; I'm bordering on obsessive when it comes to bothering other people in public. Then this past weekend we went wine tasting with a couple of friends. I was driving, and Heidi can't drink more than a glass of wine because of breastfeeding. So we went around carrying a baby and watching other people taste wines. Which made the screaming baby feel even more awkward for me.

"Will either of you be tasting today?"
"No, we're just here because what high-brow wine-tasters don't love screaming children? It's a happy scream, by the way. Shouts of joy are the perfect pairing for that dessert wine."

We had a good time. Hannah did too. And it seems like the people who are decent and I would respect don't mind happy children. Maybe it turns out that the ones who get mad about happy babies I don't mind pissing off. Hannah waved at them anyway.

I'll have to get up some pictures soon. We probably got one or two good ones out of the day.

Also, in closing, the Trojan ad that I saw on the sidebar makes me question how enjoyable I am making parenthood sound. "Don't want this to happen to you? We can help!"

Note added in clarification: I don't pick the ads, they are chosen automatically based on blog content.


Tuesday, August 11, 2009


Super busy week. I just started work on the project that will make up the majority of my thesis, and the first part means loads and loads of work all at once. My mom was kind enough to come and stay for a couple of days to watch Hannah while Heidi is working, so probably no more updates for another day or two.


Friday, August 7, 2009

Dad's Eye View

Hannah's been a fussy teether, so getting her to take the naps she needs (and we need!) has been harder. I just happened to have a camera by me after getting her to fall asleep a couple of minutes ago. I was holding her while we listened to Ludovico Einaudi; if you haven't heard him, then you should check it out. He used to write soundtracks, but now writes music in a similar style, pictures not necessary. It makes your life feel like a movie. Which means when the music gets intense, you can't help but feel like something is about to happen.

But I'm sure you kept reading because you know there is a picture coming:



I am absolutely amazed at how Hannah progresses in leaps and bounds. Perhaps this would not be so noteworthy to someone who has not been through this process, but just four and a half months ago we were excited that Hannah could follow us with her eyes. Two days ago she just had her first tooth push through, which she then used to mao down on some sweet potato; she even prefers to hold the spoon herself! Also, how is one supposed to spell mao down? I wanted to write "mow down" but that looks like mow the yard, but mao just makes me want to say chairman. Which reminds me of an awesome name for a cat: Chairman Meow. Like I said before, I already know that I have junior high math teacher humor.

Hannah's latest enjoyment comes from screaming - long and loud, followed by a nice big smile. She doesn't do this as much for me, but when Heidi is home I get phone calls with background noise that sounds like a cross between an angry cat and a happy baby.

Apparently this post is also partly about cats.

Anyway, I am trying to procure a video of this, for the Interwebs' enjoyment. Also, daily stills are apparently anything but daily. We'll see if a second one is ever produced before deciding on a name.


Thursday, August 6, 2009

Wouldn't you know...

I think "I should update the blog, Hannah has been taking a mighty long nap." I open this window. Hannah says "WAAAHHHH!".

Best be going now.


Tuesday, August 4, 2009

The park

Since it is Tuesday, I will quickly finish off what happened on Saturday. We went to the park with some friends and Hannah was cute (see figures 1, 2 and 3). The end. Figure 4 has been added as supplementary awesomeness.

Figure 1.
Mother and child, self-portrait. Supports hypothesis of perpetual cuteness. I will term this state "in cutituity".

Figure 2.
In this figure, Hannah is laying in the grass. Sometimes figure legends are that obvious.

Figure 3.
The author, apparently practicing baby Tai Chi. Appreciate her unity of form with that of the dog.

Suppl. Figure 4.
This photo was shot just when Sam was saying "When I'm on istockphoto and I see close ups of flowers, I always think 'Who takes close up pictures of flowers?'." 
Now he knows. I like how the focus is on the tips of the closer petals, making it look 3d. Also, apparently I was wrong about the Cntrl and - to zoom out; it doesn't work on all browsers, so if not for you, then sorry. Use the fox that has caught on fire. Also, why has no one put him out? I just realized how cruel that is. Perhaps the next version should be called snowfox. That sounds kind of sexy.


Monday, August 3, 2009


Hannah really loves flowers. Heidi and I have enjoyed walking through gardens together since we first met, and have been lucky enough to be at two universities (for undergrad and grad) with excellent flower gardens. Saturday morning we brought Hannah to one and walked around for quite a while. Hannah fell asleep. Heidi carried Hannah. I took loads of photos. Here are a couple highlights:

We had a phenomenal day for it. Later on in the day we headed to a park with some friends. I'll try to throw up some of those photos later. Sorry for these short posts. I feel a little edgy, waiting for the baby to wake up any second. No real commentary for now, just some nice photos.

If you would like to see a higher quality version of the photos, just click on them. Then if the browser has zoomed in too far, you can hit Cntrl and - at the same time to zoom out.



Heidi just reminded of the following conversation:

"Heidi!! Come in here."
"Hannah is laughing!"
"What are you doing?"
"Hitting her with my belt."

Before you call child services, let me explain. She was laying in her pack and play, and I was on our bed, peaking over at her. She really enjoys the pack and play, and will stay in there for quite a while with toys and a blanket, and likes when we interact with her that way. So I was making faces at her and we were blowing raspberries at each other, then I grabbed my belt, which was on the bed, and hung it over the side, waving it back and forth. Then I just pulled it across her, and for some odd reason she liked it. So I was just moving the belt back and forth in the pack and play, tapping her with it (hitting perhaps conveys the wrong meaning), and she thought it was great. It wasn't a full on giggle fest, but we got a couple laughs. I was as surprised as you.


Lots and lots

Busy weekend, with literally hundreds of photos taken (>400), so there are a couple of things that I would like to post about today. I am going to try to split them up so that I can actually get things posted, since Hannah's nap schedule is shortening by the day.

Perhaps the least exciting item (for once) is a new food - peas. We switched from avocados because Hannah held onto her serving long enough that we called the doctor. She was literally grunting almost constantly for three days. Then...skajooosh! Glad I wasn't home for that. Hopefully she gets through the peas a little quicker. Like this afternoon, after 2.

Ever notice this on xkcd or on billboards? We did not invent the algorithm. The algorithm consistently finds Jesus. The algorithm killed Jeeves. The algorithm is banned in China. The algorithm is from Jersey. The algorithm constantly finds Jesus. This is not the algorithm. This is close.
Turns out that it was an advertising campaign by askjeeves. I wonder if it would work for a blog.

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