Monday, August 24, 2009

6 months!

Hannah was 6 months old yesterday! I have said "I am amazed" enough times now to realize the amazement will be continual. Heidi snapped a couple of pictures of her playing with her bear before bedtime and I made a little stop-motion movie from them:

I think it would look good looped.

I intended to include the below quirk and update in my previous post, but it was starting to get a little long. The additional quirk I have to describe is not quite as weird as the belt or the belly slapping, but we really get a kick out of it.

She loves to fall asleep with a blanket over her head. And when she is ready to fall asleep, it's like her lights out switch. Playing, playing, playing, blanket over face, asleep. It's almost instantaneous. Of course, this means she can't have a blanket for her whole nap. We wait until she falls asleep and then take it from her, for obvious reasons. It has become ingrained in her now for nap time. The other day we were listening to music at the kitchen table as Hannah was getting sleepy. She was holding her blanket, sitting upright in my lap, and I looked down as she was pulling the blanket up over her face and then lights out! as she fell asleep right away, leaning back into my chest. I expect it when she is lying down, but sitting up too?

The update is this:

taken about a week and a half ago, the same time she started waving. She seems to forget how to wave sometimes, but that's ok. She also forgets how to stand when we do this with her. Her love of bouncing tries to come through, so she just bends her knees and drops. We are cultivating a love of gravity; she loves to fall over when she is sitting too (if we catch her in time). That's about it for now; the little one just woke up.


Ever notice this on xkcd or on billboards? We did not invent the algorithm. The algorithm consistently finds Jesus. The algorithm killed Jeeves. The algorithm is banned in China. The algorithm is from Jersey. The algorithm constantly finds Jesus. This is not the algorithm. This is close.
Turns out that it was an advertising campaign by askjeeves. I wonder if it would work for a blog.

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