Today for breakfast I wanted some bacon. We are supposed to start giving Hannah more of what we eat, so I thought "It would be awesome to give Hannah some bacon. Who doesn't love the taste of bacon?" So I asked Heidi (online) if I could give Hannah some bacon. Her response was:
I got out a container of apple, vanilla and grain baby food instead. The vanilla didn't stand alone with the apples very well, so I added some cinnamon, which made it taste just like apple pie. I was really excited to give this to her, since I don't always find her food very tasty. She liked the first couple of bites, but then got fussy. I figured if she didn't want it I could always end up eating it, since I wasn't going to bother making bacon just for me and hadn't eaten anything yet. Then Heidi suggested thickening it with oatmeal and putting it on the tray of her high chair so that she could feed herself.
Heidi: did you let her feed herself?
it's ok if she gets messy
Messy she did get. After I put some of the food down for her she ate some of it and swirled some around on the tray. After that I could spoon it to her, so long as she had some of it on the tray to swirl around. This was going really well until she put her hand on her forehead, followed by one on the side. It at least resulted in an excellent hairdo.

Needless to say, this was followed by a quick rinse in the bath tub. This bath went much more smoothly than the last. I remembered her diaper, at least. I did forget a washcloth, however, and hat to scoop up the water with my hands to wash out her hair. Heidi does this very well but it is a skill that I have not yet mastered. That is, I can get the water up to her hair just fine, but I have trouble keeping it out of her eyes. Luckily Hannah is a pretty happy little girl and didn't seem to mind too much. Drying her off even seemed to go pretty well.

Then, after a quick brushing of her hair and a bottle came nap time. Which means blog posting time. Now I'm off to get ready for the day before she wakes up.