Happenings of Late
One thing I have enjoyed about writing this blog is that it gives me a time to reflect on what has been going on in my life. I was thinking about what to title this post, and it took a while to remember what all had happened in one week. Too much for a concise title apparently.
Looking back in two years, I would probably be able to come up with: Hannah was 6.5 months, I was her father and a grad student, and Heidi and I didn't see each other much. Good job future James! You are correct, but missing the fun details.
For starters, over the weekend we went to my parents' house. We picked up one of my aunts from the airport the night before and drove her as well. My aunt and uncle from Rhode Island along with their kids were also there. Kind of a bit hectic at first. My Dad was set on canoing and kayaking (not contemporaneously for any one person, although that could be interesting) and shortly after arriving I found myself in a canoe with my cousin. Dad, I know I set this bookmark up on Mom's computer, so I would like to reiterate something: "Yes, it is shallow and moderately rapid" is not an internally consistent response to the question "Is it a good river for canoing?". Perhaps "No, it is shallow and moderately rapid" or "Yes, it is deep and slow" or even "Yes, it is deep and moderately rapid, but there are no trees hanging over the river into which the rapids try to pull you." Or maybe we already talked about this. I guess all that to say, I have never, never accidentally tipped a canoe. Before last weekend.
I think we still had a good time. The rest of the weekend was a bit more relaxing, and I came home well fed. The above photo is Hannah and I relaxing in their backyard. Here is Hannah chewing on Heidi's sweatshirt string:
Hannah: Wazzup wazzup!?
They make a pretty tough posse.
In other news, Hannah has graduated to the big bathtub. She seemed to really enjoy herself.
A little note for us to look back on:
Hannah is learning to clap. The waving that she learned a couple weeks ago really is waving - she's just selective with the timing. Last week she learned how to hold things in both hands at the same time and to hit them together.
That should do it for now. I would like to leave you with a suggestion to check today's Dinosaur Comics (number 1548). Why would we ever start calling them intestines instead?
Wait a minute, I know Jade! I'm an internet friend of Caroline's. I was sitting here laughing at the gangsta girl picture when I suddenly realized. ANYWAY. Looks and sounds like a nice getaway. I miss canoeing.
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