Big day for a little girl
Hannah has been holding out on us. Here we've been trying hard to get her to roll over, knowing that most babies can by now. She has had all the parts down, rolling to her side, going from side to front or back, etc., but doesn't connect them all. We've also been trying to get her to sit up on her own, but she thinks the only reason to sit up is as a launching position; all the better to fly back and crack open ones head. Then yesterday, she rolled over when I was at work. And then I came home, and she decided it was time to sit up. We kept the Boppy pillow behind her, as this is still a dual-purpose sit/launch position. She didn't need the Boppy to sit up, but found it quite comfortable.
Then she started chillin'.
We were quite surprised with all this progress at once. Rolling over, sitting up, and chillin' all in one day? And if that wasn't enough, she decided that the Pooh quilt made an excellent yoga mat. Here she is in a little pose she called Supta Matsyendrasana.I wonder what she's going to do today.
ahaha omg this is sooo cute doro
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