Diapers are useful. I am not arguing that. What is counterintuitive, however, is how much babies enjoy disposing of their waste outside of their pampered walls. We will, more or less, go through two diapers at most changing times. One diaper that prompts the changing, and another diaper that prompts the peeing. Pee unfettered by covering. Pee unrestrained and joyous in its natural release. Pee that gets all over everything involved. My worst fear is that I will be promoting healthful eating by giving her a raspberry, when she will think "So relaxed, so much fun. Hey that tickles. I love to pee!". Oddly enough, the pee usually goes over her belly, and there is nothing that ruins a raspberry quite like urine. In my face.
Unless it is poop. Fortunately, her projectile poop is not as frequent as it used to be. At first, taking her temperature was like uncorking a shaken bottle of champagne, with a couple of minor differences, but nothing important enough to point out. Unfortunately, raising her legs to wipe off her previous diaper's work makes for a beautiful new canvas that our little Jackson Pollock attempts to cover as quickly as possible. I have included her best work here.
You may be thinking that there is an easy solution to this problem - keep your baby's butt covered. An excellent suggestion! I'm so glad you could help. This method is frequently taken into consideration, and would be used exclusively, except for Hannah's love of nakey time. Nothing makes our baby smile like getting naked. As parents, she probably thinks that taking her clothes off is what we do best. I have to admit that if I wore diapers, a little aeration post-urination would seem like just the thing.
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