Tuesday, July 14, 2009

The times, they are a changing (part I)

I would like to start this post with a little excerpt from a NYT article that I found amusing. It's not that I really found the article amusing, as it is about the C.I.A.'s plans to assassinate Qaeda leaders, although in my pre-adolescent years that would have probably qualified as a dream job. What made me chuckle is that the article makes it sound as though the C.I.A. envisioned it much as my junior high self did. Here's the line: "'It sounds great in the movies, but when you try to do it, it’s not that easy,' a former intelligence official said. 'Where do you base them? What do they look like? Are they going to be sitting around at headquarters on 24-hour alert waiting to be called?'" So many questions! Why didn't Arnold ever have to do paper work? Let's just give up. Thanks for nothing Hollywood.

The title of the post, however, does not refer to The Times, or our political times and changes. This blog is way more narcissistic than that. Actually, time for a tangent. Not that this blog has loads of followers (hello to the both of you), but I feel a bit silly not explaining my reason for writing. It is, quite simply, that I enjoy writing. I like smithing words. I don't assume that anyone is going to visit here because I have life-changing things to say or that the world needs to hear more about and from me. Science writing can occasionally be less than a satisfactory creative outlet, so my wife encouraged me to write on here. But it's really for the inevitable money and fame.

One diversion and one tangent. Maybe I'll get to something relevant to my original intentions in "The times, they are a changing (part II)", a less divergenty and tangenty sequel!


Ever notice this on xkcd or on billboards? We did not invent the algorithm. The algorithm consistently finds Jesus. The algorithm killed Jeeves. The algorithm is banned in China. The algorithm is from Jersey. The algorithm constantly finds Jesus. This is not the algorithm. This is close.
Turns out that it was an advertising campaign by askjeeves. I wonder if it would work for a blog.

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